F.A.Q - Frequently Asked Questions & Answers!

Here you can quickly and easily get an overview of the most important things to know about PAPAPAPA before you go ask our chat support on our webshop.

1) Are frames included, when buying posters?

Short answer: No, we only sell posters, not frames.

Elaborated: Once we did sell frames, but frames break when shipped more often than they arrive unharmed. Secondly, most big retail stores today have a smaller range of frames. Therefore, we recommend you buy your frames locally - or consider upgrading to Canvas and thus completely avoiding using frames!

2) What is Canvas / Acoustics?

Short answer: Canvas is wrapped around a wooden frame, so further framing is not necessary. Posters are printed on a smoth piece of paper, and needs to be put in a frame.

Our posters are printed on 250g FSC certified Satin paper. Which is a very powerful quality that reduces the risk of damage to the poster, during transport and when mounting the in frames. Attention! We do not sell frames at PAPAPAPA, you need to find these somewhere else!

Our Canvas are printed on UV resistant photocanvas, which is especially hard-wearing, then mounted on a hidden wooden frame, where it is fastened with staples on the back. Our Canvas measures 18mm in depth, which gives a nice profile. Most of our canvas has the motive wrapped around the side, as it gives a nice minimalistic effect, without the use of frames.

In large rooms with high ceilings, acoustic panels help to create better sound when talking. Our acoustic solution is made of UV resistant photocanvas, mounted on top of the a 35mm deep acoustic panel. Our acoustic panels are of the highest quality (Class A) - ensuring the best sound absorption. The beautiful deep 35mm profile gives a very unique expression to the motive - on the back, 8mm swivel brackets are fitted upon delivery, which ensure a very simple mounting.

3) Is there no free shipping?

Short answer: No, the carrier also have to make a living!

Elaborated: Shipping is a major topic in E-commerce. Free shipping gives many orders, but with lower average value. And often they are so small and impulsive that customers hardly bother to pick them up from the package store. Why the return rate is also significantly higher. We have chosen that our customers pay for shipping, so that we can sell our product at the actual price without having to include a hidden shipping cost. We belive in adding more value otherwise, like our "free poster consept" and offering you a larger discount the more items you have in the basket. Free shipping is a slippery slope which, just like shopping on amazone and wish, only brings bad working environments and low salery to the employees.

4) Does a poster set only count as one item in the basket? (5 items in basket = extra discount).

Short answer: Yes, if you buy a set, it only counts as 1 item in your shopping cart. All designs can be bought individually, so you might want to experiment to get the lowest price.

Elaborate: Sometimes we run campaigns where you can earn extra discount by having 5 items in the basket. In this case, buying a poster set - only counts as one item.

5) I did not receive a 10% discount code when signing up for the newsletter.

Short answer: After signing up, you will receive 1 email, with a link you have to click to confirm your registration. Then you will recive email number 2, in which you will find the discount code that you use will have to add in the cuponfield in the webshop basket. (On busy evenings, you may have to wait up to 10 minutes for the e-mail.)

Elaborate: Can't wait for the e-mail and discount code, write to us on the chat! Once we have verified that you are registered correctly, we can give you your cupon code.

6) How big are the posters?

Short answer: See our Size Guide here!

Elaborate: There is a big difference between whether you buy 50x70cm or 70x100cm. Above is the link to our Size Guide, it can help you choose the right size - the first time.

7) I created a user i checkout - but never got the password!

Short answer: Create a new code Get a link send to your email, to reset password. her!

Elaborate:It's not always that our webhop send out the password email. So our only option is to refer you to the easy solution above, and have your password reset, all you need to do is enter your email, and check yout mail!